Kingstone And Thruxton Primary School


Kingstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9HJ


Remember to look at our Mindfulness at Home page for videos and websites to help you learn more about being being mindful.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Download icon well-being health health care mental healthAt Kingstone and Thruxton Primary School, we  recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to the lives of our whole school community. Mental health and wellbeing can affect our lives in just the same way as our physical health. We understand that children’s mental health is vitally important in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement. All children go through ups and downs during their school career and some can face significant, life changing, situations. Our staff are here to help the children, parents and carers in our community and do the best we can to support them through their journeys.

At school, we work to help our children manage times of change and stress and ensure that they are supported to reach their potential - this can also mean that they are able to access help when they need it. We also have a role to ensure that children learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health, what affects their mental health, how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues, and where they can go if they need help and support.

These short videos looks at how we can spot small worries and big worries and what we can do to help ourselves.


The Wellbeing Blog

This blog is updated throughout the month with interesting information or helpful tips and links to support your mental health and wellbeing. Please have a look through the information for this month.


Some stories can help you think about mental health and other situations. They can also start a much needed conversation. Click on the stories below if you'd like to listen.


The Opposite by Tome MacRea is a good way to start conversations about behaviour choices.

Stuck by Oliver Jeffers is a great book for thinking about how we deal with problems.

There are lots of ways you can improve the quality of your own and your child's sleep. Click here to see the NHS Sleep Support page.

 At school and at home we thought about ways that we look after ourselves and the things we do to feel good. Click on the thumbnail below to see our Express Yourself video.




It is normal for children to feel worried or anxious at some point in their life . Take a look at the following link, to find out how you can support your child with this feeling.  

Place2Be: Parenting Smart: My child is anxious



Anger is another normal feeling to have, take a look at the YoungMinds website which has some great tips and resources on how you can support your child

Anger | Parents Guide To Support | YoungMinds

Take a look at the Solihull Parenting Approach, which is available free to parents and carers in Herefordshire. 

Solihull courses are online and means you can work through at your own pace. Solihull also covers a range of different areas such as:

  • Understanding your child with additional needs
  • Understanding your child
  • Understanding your child’s feelings
  • Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing

How to access

Go to and use the free access code APPLEHERE to sign up. Once registered you will have lifetime access and can do as many courses as you want. You can also download a certificate upon completing each course.