Kingstone And Thruxton Primary School


Kingstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9HJ


The document below outlines what is taught in Year 2, in each subject, in each half term.

If you would like more information about our curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher who will be happy to provide more information.


Welcome to the Year 2 Blog!

Welcome to Year 2!

Year 2 is a wonderful class of 23 eager children who try their best in all they do! Please use our Class Blog to follow our day-to-day activities and find information about the class and the school.

You can find out about the following things on our blog:

We will update our blog every week to ensure that you can see what we have been getting up to and find information about any upcoming events.



Mrs Gemmell




Summer 2 2024


Year 2 had a visit from Mr Gemmell who told them all about his trip to Normandy, as part of the DDay 80th anniversary. The children were super role models as they listened to what he had to say. As a treat each child had a ride in his jeep. In forest school the children made tree spirits to help the trees stay healthy. In science they made magic 'gloop' using cornflour and water - it was sometimes solid and sometimes liquid!

WB 3.6.24 

What a lovely start to the term, Year 2 have created some fantastic 3D flower pictures!

Summer 1 2024 

WB 13.5.24

Year 2 made their own Tie Dye t-shirts this week and were amazed by the results, watch out for them looking 'super cool' as they come into PE next week. They also wrote their own algorithms to guise each other around a route.

WB 6.5.24

As a part of their DT unit on textiles Year 2 have been using wax to draw on material before it is dyed, they are hoping to make bunting to liven up forest school. The children also foraged their own hazel sticks and whittled them before adding some exciting designs.


Year 2 have had another busy week, in Maths they have been working out ½, ¼ and even ¾s  of numbers. They have also been keeping a healthy body and mind. Firstly when the dentist came to tell them all about looking after their teeth. Secondly by learning new skills such as whittling in forest school. And finally in science when in a tasting session they discovered that they eat all different parts of a plant including leaves(lettuce), roots (carrots), stems (cress) and fruit (cucumber).

WB 22.4.24 

An impressive antler was brought in to school this week, it was found  on a woodland walk. Year 2 were amazed to find out that males must shed their antlers to make room for the growth of the new antler each season. Each year, a male's antlers grow larger than the year before. In forest school the children learnt that leaves and plants can be used to make natural dyes.

WB 15.4.24

Year 2 have had a fabulous week and made the most of the good weather. The class had a fun packed day at Queenswood Arboretum  learning about bark, leaves and blossom. They were hunting for natural objects, playing trust games, taking bark rubbings and exploring the woodland.

WB 8.4.24 

This week sees the start of Outdoor Learning sessions in forest school. This week Year 2 were focussing on relationships - sharing resources, being kind, discussing rules, compromising and taking turns. Mrs Gemmel was really proud of how well the children were working togehther.

Spring 2 2024

WB 18.3.24 

Year 2 were out and about this week as they went hunting for spring flowers, as part of their Science learning. They then wrote some excellent information sheets explaining what they had learnt. On Wednesday afternoon the children were joined, in the hall by their parents and were were able to create lots of lovely Easter crafts during our 'Crafternoon'

WB 11.3.2024

What a wonderfully, fun packed week we have had! On Monday we had a visit from the air ambulance. On Wednesday we had a well being afternoon and parent and carers were invited in to school to take part in and find out about initiatives and activities to help us feel good about ourselves. In Maths we have been weighing and measuring. On Thursday we had a lovely relaxing time as we learnt still life drawing techniques.

On Wednesday Year 2 used the High School food technology room to make their own egg sandwich, as part of their Jigsaw topic 'Healthy Me!' All staff were impressed with their skills and ability to follow a set of instructions. Each child had to peel and chop an egg, butter and cut their bread, wrap the sandwich in cling film and then wash up. The children were so proud of their sandwich as they left school holding on carefully.


Lunchtime reading club is proving very popular in Year 2. The children are eager to have time to read their chapter books and the peace and quiet in the classroom at lunchtime is perfect. The boys were excited to tell each other about the books they are reading and why. Roald Dahl is a firm favourite.  I math year 2 have been comparing and ordering items by length using metres and centimetres. They had great fun finding out who is the tallest person in class. 

.Our class text this half term is:

WB 19.2.24  The children carried out an investigation to see what happens when odd and even numbers are added together. They worked so hard the tables were needed to record all the answers, oh what fun!

Spring 1 2024

WB 5.2.24

The Year 2 classroom was full of excitement and anticipation this week as entries for the 'Great Egg Drop Challenge' were brought into school. The children clearly explained their designs and it was obvious that a lot of thought had been put into each one. The children used what they had learnt about materials and their properties in Science lessons this half term. The time arrived on Thursday afternoon to drop the eggs off the Year 6 balcony to see which designs were able to protect a raw egg from breaking. Each drop was preceded by a count down and once dropped the children were eager to see if their design had been successful.

29.1.2024 Wow, what a fun packed week! A common thread throughout the week has been working successfully with partners. The children took part in an inter house  maths event with Year 1 - hosted by Year 6. In RSHE they were demonstrating communication skills as they gave directions to a blindfolded partner. In Maths the children have been using counters and Numicon to show what they know about grouping and sharing. In computing the children worked with a friend to produce a piece of music using Chrome Music Lab.

WB 22.1.2024

As part of their science topic on materials the children in Year 2 were answering the question, 'Which material is best for mopping up spills?' They used a syringe to slowly add drops of water to different materials and found that the J cloth was the best. The tissue went all mushy and the plastic didn't absorb any liquid! In music the children have been learning about beat and rhythm they composed their own piece of music and performed in front of the class.

WB 15.1.2024

In art we have been learning how to mix colours using just the primary colours red, yellow and blue. We were surprised by the results.

Autumn 2 2023

WB 11.12.2023

The children in Year 2 have been helping out the birds by keeping the bird feeders topped up. In PE we have been developing skill to play dodging and catching. We loved following a tutorial online showing us haw t draw a snowman. In Maths we used 3D shapes to build our own town!

WB 4.12.2023

There was great excitement this week as one of Santa's elves 'Elfy' came to visit - he likes to hide in our classroom every night. In computing the children learnt that photographs can be changed with editing software. Can you work out who is in the photos?

WB  20.11.23  There is a reading bug in Year 2 at the moment! The children love time to look at books of their choice and share them with a friend. There was great excitement when the booksale came to school and children could buy their own books for £2. In maths children were using dienes apparatus to demonstrate subtraction.

WB 13.11.2023

There has been lots of marvelous maths work in year 2 this week, with children consolidating knowledge of number bonds and also adding and taking tens numbers from 2 digit numbers. On Friday the children completed a number bond logic challenge. They all persevered until they found the solution.

Autumn 1 2023


Year 1 and 2 spend a wonderful day at All Things Wild this week as part of their science learning. The children all had chance to attend different workshops. In workshop 1 they went on a walk around the park meeting different animals and finding out about the animals and their natural habitats. They met zebra, monkeys, lemurs, reindeer, beavers and meerkats as well as many more. They then went indoors and had chance to handle animals such as an armadillo, gecko and a rabbit as they learnt to tell the difference between reptiles and mammals. The children asked lots of really thoughtful questions and were praised for their super questions. In the afternoon the children went back in time as we walked around the dinosaur park meeting animals that roamed the earth millions of years ago! 

WB 9.10.2023 

Year 2 were out and about this week as part of their science learning, looking for evidence of animal life in the school grounds. They spotted mole hills, slug trails, bird feathers, spiders' webs, nuts cracked open by squirrels, hedgehog droppings and rabbit holes. They were also challenged to create their own 'fitness trail' The results were fantastic! Midweek the children were all spruced up ready for school photo day.

WB 25.9.2023

The children made their own 'number trains' to distinguish between tens and teens numbers. In science they were measuring body parts to help answer questions such as, 'Do children with the biggest feet need the biggest gloves?' In Forest School great fun was had as the children made their own natural paints.

WB 18.9.2023

The children have loved their sentence stacking lessons this week and have impressed Mrs Gemmell with their ideas. It was wonderful to hear the children read out verses from our class poem ' Bathroom Fiddler'. In Forest School this week we made 'mud bugs'. Excitement was mounting as the children  put themselves forward to be part of school parliament. 

WB 11.9.2023

Year 2 have had a busy week as they settle into their new routines. In maths they have been representing 2-digit numbers in pictures and with concrete apparatus. In RSHE the children discussed responsibilities of various people and ranked them by importance. In Forest School the children were developing co-operation and teamwork skills.


. We have been reading the poem Bathroom Fiddler by Micheal Rosen and are now writing our own version called 'Desktop Fiddler'. 

Our class book for this half term is:

We have been singing the months of the year song to consolidate our knowledge.

Enter text...

WB 4th September 2022

What a fantastic first week back! Year 2 have delighted and surprised all the Year 2 staff with the way in which they have settled into a new routine. There has been so much packed into the first week. The children have been working hard to get their picture on the recognition board each day as well as getting shout out cards from various members of staff who are on the lookout for children going 'above and beyond'. Forest School was a great opportunity to burn off energy and spend time with our friends. In English the children wrote clues and read them out so that the rest of the class could guess what animal they were describing. In maths the children were challenged to use a box of smarties to show what they know! Year 2 also enjoyed learning to play new playground games.