Kingstone And Thruxton Primary School


Kingstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9HJ




Music is taught across the school and lessons are tied in with each of the class topics wherever possible. Class music lessons use a variety of stimuli as a starting point for compositions and children have a wide choice of classroom percussion instruments. There are many opportunities to listen, appraise, compose and perform, and all children sing regularly within their class and as a whole school. As a school, we follow the Music Express scheme to ensure that our children have many opportunities to listen to, appraise, compose with, learn and then perform the songs from a variety of different genres of music.

Each key stage has a weekly singing assembly that fully supports our Values-based Education, and includes songs from other cultures, action songs, harmony songs, ‘pop’ songs as well as traditional hymns.

Many children learn instruments taught peripatetically, instruments currently being taught are: guitar, piano, voice, trumpet and violin. These teachers teach instrumental lessons at both the Kingstone High School and Primary School, meaning children are able to keep the same teacher as they transition to the High School. Year 3 have learnt the Ukulele and Year 4 have learnt the clarinet this year as a whole class as well.

If your child is interested in having 1:1 music lessons, please express your interest at the school office. 


Our visit from The Swan Orchestra

Music at Kingstone 

The document below outlines the music that will be taught in each year group, each half term.

 Music Planning Overview.docxDownload
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